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  • Cigar Brands A to Z

    I say this brand list is “almost complete” because it is the nature of the cigar industry for new brands to appear seemingly overnight, in the hope...
  • Cigar Terms Dictionary

    This is a dictionary of terms you’re not likely to use outside the realm of fellow cigar connoisseurs, but which are fun to drop into a conversatio...
  • How A Cigar Is Made

    One of the more fascinating things about cigar making is that its basic art of construction has not changed in well over one hundred years. That is...
  • Etiquette of Smoking a Cigar

    Anticipation provides more than half the pleasure of fulfillment. And so it is with cigar smoking. Even before I finish a meal, I am thinking a...
  • Cigar Accessories

    Just as you might want to upgrade your mega-boosted surround-sound system with ceiling speakers, so might you add certain amenities that are design...
  • Cigar Humidor Guide

    There are two basic requirements that any humidor has to meet: It must provide a constant and reliable source of humidity, and it must be airtight...
  • Best Cigars for Beginners

    Casa Torano Casa Torano cigars are premium hand rolled cigars that are made in Honduras by the Torano family. By its characteristics, they are ciga...
  • Tips For Cigar Beginners

    - It should always be quality tobacconists you should buy from. When you make your cigar purchases from a local tobacconist with a good repute, you...
  • Top Countries Producing Cigars

    Now that you’ve had a look at everything from the brand to sizes, shapes and packing styles, let’s talk about the countries of origin for cigars. W...
  • ABCs of Cigar Buying

    For most smokers of cigars, pacing down the displays at their tobacconist’s can be a pretty daunting affair. You scratch your head, squint at the l...
  • An Introduction to Tobacco

    Before getting down to the complexities of the cigar, there are a couple of things you ought to know. There are cigars that will please you, and th...
  • Anatomy of a Cigar

    So now you've got a Smoking Jacket, now it's time to smoke. One of the most important aspects of learning about cigars, in order to understand them...